A new adventure

I haven’t been around in a while and I do apologise, I have been quite busy. With what? Yes, I can hear you asking and my answer is with this:


I decided to launch my very own “business”. It is something that I have been wanting to do for a while now, but finally decided that enough was enough and I would launch it… I have decided to focus on:

  • Kiddies shoots;
  • Family shoots;
  • Matric Farewells;
  • Engagement shoots;
  • Corporate functions;
  • Family reunion; and
  • the odd wedding or two.

I will offer various shoots at various locations and I will cater for couples, friends, groups, families, pets and so much more.

You will see by my opening specials that I am not as expensive as other photographers out there and well, I will run with it for a few months and see how it goes. I do hope for the best where all this is concerned.

Anyways, so if I am really quiet, you all will know where to find me. You are all welcome to pop on over to the site (which will get more and more posts as time goes on) and say hi. I will be finishing the facebook page tonight so you can pop over there too. I’ll post the link as soon as I have it.

Take care and chat soon,