I sometimes hate being a grownup!

Okay, maybe “hate” is a bit of a “strong” word, but life decisions sometimes get me down. You know the decisions I mean… buying a new car, moving to a new house, getting insurance, choosing which school to send my kid to, etc.

Price increase

Well, yesterday, I logged into my medical aid account and they have put up a notice that there will be an increase for 2014. Well, after seeing what I saw, I have to start getting quotes for medical aids… why? Because Discovery have decided to increase their monthly rate by an extra R 162. Now, that does not sound like a lot, but it is, especially in this day and age, where everything seems to be increasing except my salary.

I am ranting again, seems like my blog has become a place of ranting recently, but see, I pay for my Mom’s medical aid as well, and the price increase will mean that I have to cough up an extra R 325 for both our medical aids. I would add my Mother as an adult dependent, however, Discovery had a “long” story with regard to that.

Anyways, I am now in the market for a new medical aid… one that covers the following:

  • my mom as my adult dependent;
  • it must cover her chronic medication;
  • it must cover GP visits, if and when we need the GP; and
  • it must cover 100% hospital costs.

So, for the next few days, I will be visiting various medical aid websites to compare benefits and I will be calling said medical aids for quotes to see which option will be the best for us. All I still have to do is make a list of who to visit and who to call. Wish me luck!

PS Please feel free to make any suggestions or recommendations.
Your comments will be highly appreciated!